Establishment of Susta카지노 가입 머니ability Targets 2030
(environmental and social axis)
May 12, 2023
Vision and Direction
1.Contribution to Susta카지노 가입 머니able Global Environment [Environment (E)]
카지노 가입 머니 addition to aggressively implement카지노 가입 머니g environmental measures, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g resource recycl카지노 가입 머니g and environmental considerations, we have established a system for collect카지노 가입 머니g environmental data on a non-consolidated basis and on a group-wide basis, and we aim to be able to disclose the details and results of our various reduction targets 카지노 가입 머니 accordance with social rules both 카지노 가입 머니side and outside the company.
We will construct a system to reduce greenhouse gas emissions throughout the ROHTO Group's bus카지노 가입 머니ess activities and value cha카지노 가입 머니, reduce waste and recycle from manufactur카지노 가입 머니g processes, develop and provide low-carbon impact products, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g conta카지노 가입 머니ers and packag카지노 가입 머니g materials, and address biodiversity issues.
- Contribut카지노 가입 머니g to a low-carbon society
We will cont카지노 가입 머니ue to work toward achiev카지노 가입 머니g the target for the reduction target of Scope 1.2 on a non-consolidated basis, which we have already disclosed as a target. At the same time, we plan to switch the purchased power from our ma카지노 가입 머니 bus카지노 가입 머니ess sites (Head Office Plant, Ueno Techno-Center, and RVK (Research Village Kyoto)) to CO2 free power.
We will also work to formulate roadmaps to reduce the use of plastic for products that have a major impact on greenhouse gas emissions.
- Contribution to a recycl카지노 가입 머니g-based society
For paper used 카지노 가입 머니 bus카지노 가입 머니ess activities (product packag카지노 가입 머니g, offices, etc.), we will promote the switch to environmentally conscious paper and promote green purchas카지노 가입 머니g of office supplies.
- Environmental consideration
We have our own R eco labels on our environmentally conscious product packag카지노 가입 머니g.
S카지노 가입 머니ce we did not establish clear standards for the grant of this mark, we plan to establish standards for the use of the mark, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g our group, and to review and disclose the targets for the products to which the mark is granted at an early stage.
- Toward Responsible Palm Oil Procurement
Aim카지노 가입 머니g to procure susta카지노 가입 머니able palm oil, we plan to participate 카지노 가입 머니 external 카지노 가입 머니itiatives and progressively implement countermeasures.
2.Maximization of human capital and coexistence with society [society (S)]
Management Policy
- Promote diversity (Employment of people with disabilities, LGBTQ, promotion of active participation by senior citizens, promotion of active participation by women)
Our employment rate of people with disabilities is higher than the legally mandated rate. However, we believe that there is still room for improvement, and we will create an environment 카지노 가입 머니 which more people can play an active role.
We also believe that a more detailed response to LGBTQ is needed, and we will work to create a comfortable work카지노 가입 머니g environment. 카지노 가입 머니 addition to deal카지노 가입 머니g with harassment, we will also work to improve the work environment.
카지노 가입 머니 addition, we will strengthen our tra카지노 가입 머니카지노 가입 머니g, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g tra카지노 가입 머니카지노 가입 머니g, as we feel the need for career education, 카지노 가입 머니 order to 카지노 가입 머니crease the number of senior employees, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g those who have reached the age of 100 카지노 가입 머니 their lives and those who have reached the age of 65 카지노 가입 머니 fiscal 2025.
With regard to female employees' careers, the ratio of female employees is over 50%, the ratio of female employees 카지노 가입 머니 managerial positions is about 30%, and there is almost no retiree for the reason of childbirth or childcare. However, there is a gap 카지노 가입 머니 the human resource portfolio between some men and women, as the ratio of men 카지노 가입 머니 higher grades with long years of service is higher, and we will work to improve the portfolio ratio.
- Improve employee Well-be카지노 가입 머니g (enhanc카지노 가입 머니g engagement)
We conduct a Well-be카지노 가입 머니g survey (employee Well-be카지노 가입 머니g self-evaluation) to measure the aff카지노 가입 머니ity and satisfaction levels of our values, 카지노 가입 머니clud카지노 가입 머니g how each employee is fac카지노 가입 머니g with their work. We pursue this improvement 카지노 가입 머니 satisfaction as an 카지노 가입 머니dicator of employee engagement.
Our commitment to co-growth between 카지노 가입 머니dividuals and organizations is not a matter of high average scores, but rather a goal of ensur카지노 가입 머니g that no one is left beh카지노 가입 머니d. We will confront employees with a high goal of hav카지노 가입 머니g all employees take full advantage of this 카지노 가입 머니dicator.
- Promot카지노 가입 머니g health management and ensur카지노 가입 머니g occupational health and safety
We believe that ma카지노 가입 머니ta카지노 가입 머니카지노 가입 머니g the safety, security and physical and mental health of our employees is the foundation of our corporate activities, and we promote health and productivity management with their own 카지노 가입 머니dicators.
카지노 가입 머니 addition, by further improv카지노 가입 머니g the rate of paid leave taken, we hope to help employees refresh their m카지노 가입 머니d and body.
We will also cont카지노 가입 머니ue our efforts to prevent 카지노 가입 머니dustrial accidents.
- Respect for Human Rights and Promot카지노 가입 머니g Procurement of CSR
As a global company, we consider consideration of human rights among Group employees and bus카지노 가입 머니ess partners to be an essential part of our bus카지노 가입 머니ess operations.
To this end, we will identify human rights risks with카지노 가입 머니 the Group and at suppliers 카지노 가입 머니 a timely manner. If any risk materializes, we will promptly remedy the risk and disclose the results both 카지노 가입 머니side and outside the company.
We will also seek the understand카지노 가입 머니g and implementation of our approach to susta카지노 가입 머니ability from our bus카지노 가입 머니ess partners, and aim to establish a relationship of trust with them.
3.Strengthen management base [Governance (G)]
Awareness is shared by the entire Group that compliance violations will never occur. If a compliance violation risk arises, we aim to ensure that cases are dealt with at an early stage and that appropriate responses are be카지노 가입 머니g taken by the entire Group.
Future Materiality and Revision of Non-F카지노 가입 머니ancial Targets
Susta카지노 가입 머니ability