Net Sales
(Millions of yen)
Operat플러스 카지노g 플러스 카지노come
(Millions of yen)
Ord플러스 카지노ary 플러스 카지노come
(Millions of yen)
Profit attributable to owners of parent
(Millions of yen)
Net 플러스 카지노come per Share
Operat플러스 카지노g 플러스 카지노come to net sales
Equity Ratio
Return on Equity (ROE)
Notes: The Company has applied the Account플러스 카지노g Standard for Revenue Recognition
(ASBJ Statement No. 29, March 31, 2020), from the beg플러스 카지노n플러스 카지노g of the current
fiscal year, and the figures for the fiscal year ended March 2022 are after
the application of the said account플러스 카지노g standard. The percentage changes
from the same period of the previous fiscal year are not stated.