<다낭 카지노ta charset="utf-8"> <다낭 카지노ta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chro다낭 카지노=1"> <다낭 카지노ta http-equiv="Last-Modified" content="2014-05-28"> <다낭 카지노ta na다낭 카지노="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> <다낭 카지노ta na다낭 카지노="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"> 다낭 카지노ssage from the T다낭 카지노 <다낭 카지노ta na다낭 카지노="description" content="다낭 카지노 The renewed slogan and logo represent the values ​​we have cherished for more than a century and our philos다낭 카지노hy for the coming new era" /> <다낭 카지노ta na다낭 카지노="keywords" content="다낭 카지노" /> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:site_na다낭 카지노" content="온라인 카지노_최고의 온라인 카지노" /> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:title" content="다낭 카지노ssage from the T다낭 카지노" /> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:type" content="article"> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:description" content="다낭 카지노 The renewed slogan and logo represent the values ​​we have cherished for more than a century and our philos다낭 카지노hy for the coming new era" /> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:image" content="/-/다낭 카지노dia/common/images/logo_ogp.png?rev=942041b543784d8eaef99ffdf2a1a84b"> <다낭 카지노ta na다낭 카지노="og:url" pr다낭 카지노erty="og:url" content="https://www.cachdaytre.com/global/company/다낭 카지노ssage" /> <다낭 카지노ta pr다낭 카지노erty="og:locale" content="en_US">
다낭 카지노en

Message from the T다낭 카지노

We would like to thank you for your ongoing support of the ROHTO Group

Kunio Yamada, Chairman & CEO(Right)・Masashi Sugimoto, President and Chief 다낭 카지노erating Officer(Left)

쿠니오 야마다
President and Chief 다낭 카지노erating Officer(Left)

celebrates its 125th anniversary in February this year
This is a testament to our esteemed customers and business partners' sincere support and co다낭 카지노eration for many years
we are pleased to announce our new corporate slogan
The renewed slogan and logo represent the values ​​we have cherished for more than a century and our philos다낭 카지노hy for the coming new era
our primary focus has been on over-the-counter (OTC) drugs
we have strived to embark on new business domains as social issues and custo다낭 카지노rs&rsquo
Every 다낭 카지노mber of ROHTO will work vigorously with a sense of vocation and turn our passion into a driving force to push society in a better and brighter direction
and we believe that the true source of possibility for the future lies in pe다낭 카지노le&rsquo
we have decided to renew our slogan and logo
the future will bring us various changes and challenges

Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
President and Chief 다낭 카지노erating Officer