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Corporate Office / Interiors

Moser Enterprises, Inc., a prominent real estate developer in the Southwest suburbs, hired Krusinski Construction Company to build a 17,000-square-foot, three-story office building to house its new corporate offices. The new facility was to be built on an in-fill site in downtown Naperville, an area surrounded by neighboring retail businesses and homes. Moser planned to occupy the building’s third floor, top 10 betting appswhile Northern Trust Bank would lease the first two floors.



Krusinski Construction Company faced several challenges during construction. The proposed building was going to take up the entire .18-acre site, which didn’t leave room to store construction materials.


The site also backed up to the DuPage River, which complicated site access, as did nearby bridge construction. The only way for trucks and equipment to reach the site was from adjacent streets, including Main Street that would necessitate several street and sidewalk closures, inconveniencing retailers and residents.



To address the lack of access to the job site, Krusinski stored needed materials off-site and trucked them load-by-load to the building, as needed.


To maintain open communication New sports betting appwith neighboring businesses and residents, Superintendent Steve Bulger and Project Engineer Dominic Valvano wrote and hand-delivered a monthly newsletter that contained information about closures, safety issues, and upcoming activities. The newsletter was also posted at the Naperville City Hall, the public library and at nearby restaurants.



By closely coordinating with nearby businesses and residents, Krusinski was able to stick to its schedule, and complete the building on time. Moser also was able to maintain its long-standing relationship of mutual cooperation with the Naperville community.


Arete 3 Ltd.

Square Footage:



Naperville, IL
