OAK BROOK, IL (May 6, 2021) According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, a study showed that 60% of construction workers have an underlying condition or risk factor that increases their susceptibility to severe illness should they contract COVID-19. Combine that with the fact that the nature of the firm’s work often requires close person-to-person interaction, it is vital that construction sites follow policies and procedures designed to protect workers from COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic, Krusinski Construction Company (KCC) has done just that, and its efforts have resulted in zero major outbreaks at its construction sites and office facilities.


“From when we first started our business, the health and welfare of our employees has always been our top priority,” said Jerry Krusinski, CEO, “So when COVID-19 struck, we immediately took steps to mitigate the risk and to protect everyone at our job sites and offices by carefully following all safety requirements.”


Whether at construction sites in New York or California, or at its headquarters in Oak Brook, Illinois, from the beginning of the pandemic, KCC implemented comprehensive COVID-19 policies and procedures that meet or exceed guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control as well as by local government regulations. All personnel entering its offices and Sports Betting Oddsjob sites are required to comply with the firm’s COVID-19 Health & Safety Plan. Failure to do so means immediate removal from the location. As a result of these efforts, KCC has been able to maintain an excellent safety record throughout the pandemic.


“Prior to entering any Krusinski Construction Company location, workers and visitors are given a temperature screening to be sure their temperatures are below 100.4 degrees,” said Mike Dawson, KCC’s director of safety. “Prior to commencing any work, all personnel also must sign a daily affidavit acknowledging that they have met our criteria.”


COVID-19 criteria metrics include:

      • Have not been diagnosed with COVID-19 in the past 10 days
      • Are not exhibiting any COVID-19 related symptoms
      • Have not been exposed to anyone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days
      • Have not in the past 14 days traveled to countries designated by the Centers for Disease Control as Level 3 Travel Health Notice Countries
      • Must maintain 6-foot distance from others unless doing so is not feasible or creates a risk
      • Must wear an appropriate mask at all times while on the project location or at KCC offices
      • Conduct ongoing site cleaning and sanitation
      • Follow restrictions regarding the use of shared equipment


“In addition to these and other rules, Krusinski Construction Company provides extensive signage throughout each location reminding workers of proper protocols and safety measures,” said Dawson. “In fact, during a recent unscheduled inspection, a government inspector told us that he had never seen a construction site so thoroughly compliant with COVID-19 rules and regulations.”


“Although we all look forward to returning to ‘normal,’ our company will continue to prioritize the health and welfare of everyone at all our locations,” said Jerry Krusinski. “In fact, some of the protocols we have established may continue in place permanently given their proven effectiveness in preventing the spread of disease.”


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COVID 19 | Safety


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